Strategy Foundations Assessment Results
Your Strategy Assessment has been scored to highlight where you are strong and where action is recommended.
The Inqbate Business team will follow up to make sure you have the support you need.
Balanced Strategy Score Chart
Self - Critical action required
Action: Add an urgent agenda item to discuss with your Coach. Create and commit to plan you can share with your friends that incorporates activities that will improve your situation.
Skills - Critical action required
Action: - Conduct 360 Review of strengths and weaknesses followed by a measurable action plan to work through with your coach/manager
Systems - Critical action required
Action: - Identify critical system failures and fixes. Assign priority to CEO to create a fix and longterm plan.
Finance - Critical action required
Action: - Looks like it's time to look at raising growth funding. Book a meeting with your Inqbate Chair to discuss the potential opportunity, risks and feasibility. Following this review establish a "funding" project with clearly defined targets, actions and deadlines. Ask your Inqbate Chair to share examples and templates.
Finance - Critical action required
Action: - The world changes fast and it't important to regularly review your pricing strategy. Review the impact your last price increase had with your Finance Director and calculate what impact an increased will have in the future. The goal should be to maintain/increase desired margins. Set actions plans to increase your prices based on your findings.
Priorities - Critical action required
Action: - Create a project with your Inqbate Strategy Director to create personalised "Performance" cards for team. Ensure the card shows progress towards personal work objectives, rewards, personal and professional development goals. Use this project to upgrade your team Performance Reviews. Automate team NPS to monitor the impact and alert you to any team that need more help.
Priorities - Critical action required
Action: - Dealing with "surprise issues" is most commonly a result of poor communications and accountability. Add a task to review with your Strategy Director, "Critical Issue" review. List each business critical issues over the last 90 days, the cause of the issue (staying focused on the internal cause (eg. Your marketing attracted poorly targeted prospects rather than, the prospects are just not interested) and agree on actions that would prevent future occurrences.
Management - Critical action required
Action: - Talk to your Strategy Director about conducting a formal Leadership 360 review. Review the finding with your Coach. If you are not working with an Inqbate Strategy Director email to request access to the template.
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